Safe search engines for kids? Reader Q+A

Safe search engines for kids? Reader Q+A

What’s the best search engine for kids, in your experience? -via Twitter Keeping kids safe online should be a huge priority for parents. When it comes to kid-safe search, there are actually a lot of good options out there. Since you didn’t specify what age...
Internet filters for tablets? Reader Q+A

Internet filters for tablets? Reader Q+A

My pre-teen wants an iPad or Kindle Fire for Christmas. Are there good Internet filters available for these devices? -Karen Hi Karen, great question! Yes, with kids bogarting our tablets and quite a few getting one for the holiday, we think it’s super important...
Kid-friendly iPad cases? Reader Q+A

Kid-friendly iPad cases? Reader Q+A

We’re upgrading to the new iPad and thinking about passing along our second-generation iPad to our kids. Do you have any suggestions for kid-friendly cases? -Krissy Hi Krissy, lucky you for getting a new iPad! Your kids are probably already foaming at the mouth...
Good headphones for a 3 year old? Reader Q+A

Good headphones for a 3 year old? Reader Q+A

I am having trouble finding earphones for my 3 1/2 year old to use while traveling. We have a volume limiting set but they don’t seem to stay on well and he complains that they hurt. Do you have other children’s headphone ideas? -Meg Hi Meg, I had the same...