Let me start by saying that we here at Cool Mom Tech are hardly germaphobes, however, if you knew what was growing on your iPhone and tablet screens, not to mention your ear buds (yep, just think about that for a second), you might be motivated to take a few minutes and clean them off. Hey, it’s almost spring after all, the season of cleaning. Or something like that.

Related: Inbox Zero – How to clean out your inbox

We’ve shared all sorts of helpful posts over the years to get your gadgets in order, whether you need to safely disinfect your devices, clean up your cord tangles, or just KonMari the crap out of them. Sorry, old Blackberry from 2008, you are not bringing me joy anymore. (PS, if that’s the case, recycle it).

And yes, we’ve even got suggestions on how to use apps to spring clean your life. Read: Get more organized. Let’s just say if you missed the boat at the new year, we think spring is the perfect time to get started, or finish what you might have tried to get going.

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash